Launch of consultation on revised Basic Conditions Statement (ends 9 June 2023)

Hoxne Neighbourhood Plan – Focused consultation on revised Basic Conditions Statement (Mon 24 Apr to Fri 9 Jun 2023)

At the request of the Independent Examiner of the Hoxne Neighbourhood Plan, Mid Suffolk District Council are carrying out a focused six-week consultation on a revised Basic Conditions Statement that has been prepared and submitted by the Parish Council. The reasons for this are explained below and a copy of the relevant document is attached. The consultation period starts today (Monday 24 April) and will end at 4:00pm on Friday 9 June 2023. Our Hoxne NP webpage is also being updated with this new and should be available later today.


In February this year, we consulted you on the submission draft Hoxne N’hood Plan. That consultation ended on 31 March and the Plan was then advanced to the examination stage. After carrying out a high-level assessment, the Examiner identified an issue with the submitted Basic Conditions Statement.

In an e-mail addressed to those concerned, she explained that:

“Regulation 15(1)(d) in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) states the requirements for a statement explaining how the proposed neighbourhood development plan [..] meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990. This includes whether the making of the neighbourhood plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the Development Plan for the area of the authority. This is known as the Basic Conditions Statement.”

She went on to say that:

“The Basic Conditions Statement submitted with the Hoxne NDP [dated June 2022 and linked here] assesses the Plan against emerging local plan policy. It should have assessed the Plan against current adopted strategic policy.”

To address the error, the Parish Council were given the opportunity to submit a revised Basic Conditions Statement. They have now done this and we draw your attention in particular to paragraph 4.6 and Table 4.2 of the attached document.

If you wish to make a comment on the amendments made to the Basic Conditions Statement you can do so by either replying directly to this e-mail, or you can post your written comments to:

Hoxne NP BCS Consultation (c/o Planning Policy Team),

Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Councils,

Endeavour House,

8 Russell Road,

Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Important note: At this stage, we are not inviting, and we cannot accept any new or additional comments on any of the other previously submitted documents. If you have already commented on this Plan and if those comments are unaffected by the amendments made to the Basic Conditions Statement you do not need to repeat those.