For more information view the Hoxne Neighbourhood Plan 2022 – 2037 Referendum Information Statement. Parishioners who are already registered voters in Hoxne will receive a poll card or postal vote depending on their pre-registered preference and the opportunity to vote in the referendum on 4 April.

Here is a copy of the notice to referendum.

Here is a copy of the Plan to view.

Mid Suffolk District Council Electoral Services team will be publishing a ‘Notice of Referendum’ which will appear at and will set out the last dates for registering to vote and other information.

All those on the Electoral Roll will be entitled to vote. If more than 50% of those voting support the Plan, the District Council must bring it into force.

Once the Plan has been adopted it will form part of the Local Development Plan. This means that the District Council must determine planning applications in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.